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EMF Balancing Technique, LatticeLogic, The Symbol, UCL Tai Ji, Yoga for The Lattice, Reflections

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Директория Старший учитель EMF

Beverly Van Dyke

Местонахождение United States - Oregon - Brookings
Уровень учителя Фазы I-IV
Уровень практика Фазы I-VIII
  • Тел: 707 487 0773
  • Альтернативный тел: 707 218 8009
Расписание занятий Отсутствует.
Краткая биографическая справка I discovered the EMF Balancing Technique while reading Kryon Book 7 by Lee Carroll. I am honored to have studied the UCL, Phase I and Phase II with Peggy Phoenix Dubro, the originator of the EMF Balancing Technique, and that same year, 2003, I studied Phases III and IV with Dorian McLean Snyder of Arizona. Peggy certified me as a Master in Practice in 2004. In 2005, out of love and respect for this work, I choose to upgrade and become a Supervisory Teacher.

I can now offer you classes in Phases I-IV for Personal Growth and Accreditation and I can give you sessions of Phases I - VIII.

I love to teach EMF, because as I teach others, I discover that my own potential is unlimited. Each time I teach a class or do sessions of EMF I find my heart opening to greater levels of creativity and love. I am devoted to this work as a profession. In the practice of my daily life I find myself evolving with grace.

I am grateful to The Energy Extension, Inc. for offering their premiere program, the EMF Balancing Technique to me and to the world. My students and clients have discovered greater balance and peace of heart.