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EMF Balancing Technique, LatticeLogic, The Symbol, UCL Tai Ji, Yoga for The Lattice, Reflections

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Adressenbestand Supervisie Leraren

Marilyn Cecile Phillips

Locatie United States - Arizona - Tucson
Niveau leraar Fasen 1 t/m 4
Niveau praktijkbeoefenaar Fasen 1 t/m 13
  • Tel.: 520 663 1864
  • 2e tel.: 520 275 5859
  • Fax: 520 663 1864
Geplande trainingen Geen.
Profiel The day I read about Peggy Phoenix Dubro's work on her website, I found myself crying because I "knew" from a deep place inside that I was meant to do this work. It's just that God had other plans for me, until then. There was something very profound that I had to learn before I started on this new spiritual journey; one that led me to Sedona to meet Peggy, who I consider to be an "earth angel" sent to this planet to teach us this beautiful and healing modality. I experienced a profound physical healing those glorious six days in Sedona, and just a few short months later, I became an EMF Balancing Technique teacher. I am excited and honored to bring this special work to you so we can walk down the path together….sharing this gift with the world.

Class size is a minimum of 3 students and a maximum of 6.