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Elenco degli “Insegnanti Supervisori” EMF

Marcy Adams

Ubicazione United States - Missouri - .
Programma per gli Insegnanti Fasi I-VIII
  • Tel.: 719 221 5256
  • Fax: 719 395 3519
Sito web
Calendario dei Corsi Nessuno.
Biografia My passion is people - what's right with them - their strengths - their tools - and how they may be more effective.

My passion is following Divine Guidance. That moved me from Missouri to Buena Vista, Colorado, to this high mountain valley - to start a Center for Transformation and Healing which is dedicated to nurturance and empowerment of people.

It led me to the EMF Balancing Technique. I knew this work was mine to do.

I also knew about Divine Timing - that when the moment was right - I would easily and joyously learn the work from Peggy. And I did.

Through this work I've discovered “Family.” It's a family of Light Workers, dedicated to helping people experience their divine connections, learn powerful tools and techniques which enable them to be stronger, more centered, more receptive and in charge of their own lives.

I teach in both Colorado and in Hawaii. I will be on Kauai twice each year. October of 2007 and March of 2008 are already scheduled.

My mission is to weave my B.A. in Education and M.A. in Counseling with over 40 years of metaphysical/spiritual practice to help people.