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Phoenix Energy! – An evolutionary two part event

Joyfully presented by Peggy Phoenix Dubro

Attend one or both parts!

Phoenix Energy! An evolutionary two part event

Date: Monday June 8, 2015
Time: Part One 9:30am-12:30pm, Part Two 2:00-5:00pm
Location: Sedona Public LibraryCOMMUNITY ROOM
3250 White Bear Road, Sedona AZ 86336

Part One | Youthfulness and Wholeness | 9:30am – 12:30pm

A multidimensional rejuvenation experience! Recalibrate in the original resonance of your being … and grow younger! No matter what your age, this energetic event is designed to deepen and strengthen your expression of youthfulness. Three important and unique alignments for the youthing process in the new energies. Honoring the Phoenix energy within you!

Youthing Alignment #1
Experience your Infinite Child, validate and transform the imprints of the first 7 years of this life. Make new imprints according to your inner wisdom!

Youthing Alignment #2
Reconnect with your Infinite Teenager, remember and recalibrate the drive and vitality of this most important time that is still recorded in your body today.

Youthing Alignment #3
Honor the courage of your Infinite Young Adult, generate the renewal of your youthfulness, discover and reclaim the talents, skills, and abilities you were born to express in this time of change.

The time for energetic rejuvenation is now as we open new potentials for evolution, individually and collectively. Join in this event and experience a vibrational vacation. Amaze yourself!

Recommended for the aspiring young at heart of all ages and degrees of youthful expression … must be over 21 to attend ;-)

Part Two | Honoring the Children of the World | 2:00pm – 5:00pm

More youthing! The evolution of nurturing and educating our children is essential in these times of change. Learn new energy dynamics for honoring children in the world today. This event will give you energetic tools to use for yourself and for interacting with children as they venture on their journey of incarnation in these times of change. Helpful and powerful alignments for being mindfully and heartfully aware when in the company of the children in our lives. Be part of this event and empower the refinements of consciousness that will bring about a frequency of evolutionary support for the new generation and the generations to come!


Early Sign-up Prices until May 31:
Part 1: $55.00
Part 2: $55.00
Part 1 + Part 2: $110.00

Full Prices after May 31:
Part 1: $77.00
Part 2: $77.00
Part 1 + Part 2: $154.00


Peggy Phoenix Dubro

Peggy Phoenix Dubro is a distinguished international speaker and teacher whose diverse talents have gained her a worldwide presence in the arena of “new thinking”. She has 37 years of experience working with the human energy anatomy and is a leader in the field of energy balancing. Co-founder with her husband in 1995 of The Energy Extension, Inc., Peggy and Steve have teamed up to create cutting edge technology in the field of energy balancing that is both fun and deeply transformational. Their work is practiced and taught in more than 70 countries around the world. "":

“Peggy Phoenix Dubro has a gift. She has “quantum sight.” This means that with your permission, she can look at your energy, no matter how far away you are, and can “reflect back” the quantum energy within you…much of which you have never seen. Her sessions are the result of 20 years working with the quantum energies within the Lattice, the sphere of co creation that surrounds you, a profound matrix of quantum design that all Humans have. Who better to read and work with this part of your being than the one who has created and stewarded this Lattice work for almost a generation. She has the experience!” Lee Carroll/Kryon

Peggy Phoenix Dubro

Sessions with Peggy Phoenix Dubro

The Waves


The Honeymoon Effect!

Living in Infinite Love

Everyday Energetics Institute