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iPhoenix … Transforming the Power of Human Energy
A Three Day Recalibration Celebration – Honoring the Phoenix in You

Joyfully presented by Peggy Phoenix Dubro

Peggy on stage

Dates: Saturday – Monday May 30-31 & June 1, 2015
Time: 9:30am – 5:30pm (Registration 8:30am)
Location: Great Room at the Sedona Creative Life Center

The Sedona Creative Life Center

From the creative mind and heart of Peggy Phoenix Dubro, a new form of energy work for you!

May 30-31: iPhoenix – The Balancing

Inspired by the collective worldwide works of Peggy Phoenix Dubro, you will learn how to combine healing energy patterns to create unique, one of a kind energy sessions for yourself, your loved ones, clients, and groups! iPhoenix – The Balancing energy sessions promise to be an essential tool for you to use in these times of challenge and opportunity. This work is a valuable addition to your spiritual practice in daily life.

Say “yes” to your Self, and a more meaningful life of wholeness and wellbeing.

The two day training includes:

  • Theory and practical understanding in how to live a more energetically aware life
  • Learning the classical energy patterns and specific application for each pattern
  • Energy alignments to strengthen your intuition and insight
  • Hands on experience and practice each day working with these powerful patterns of energy
  • Unique meditations designed to open your mind and heart to the art of vibrational transformation and evolution

Evolution opens your mind and your heart to new ways of living life in greater harmony. You are unique, what is your vision of the potential for yourself and the collective in these times of change? This profound and simple work is designed for an awakening world.Honor the Phoenix within you, become more of who you are!

Included in the training: Illustrated Manual and additional online guidance and support.

June 1: “iPhoenix – The Workshop Workshop”!!

Great Room at Sedona Creative Life Center

Learn to define and refine your presentation or workshop – Whether you speak one on one or to large or small groups of people, this workshop is offered as a defining event for you.

Special guest, one of my favorite guys, Lee Carroll! We will channel together on the topic of this exciting day. I can’t wait to hear what Kryon … and the Wisdom of the Feminine Divine have to offer.

Morning: Instruction and interaction

  • Define your message of truth
  • Develop a talk or workshop to share your message
  • Learn different ways of delivering your message
  • Discover more of who you are and how to present yourself

Afternoon: Rise and Shine in a supportive and creative energy!

  • Randomly selected attendees will present a 10-minute talk on-stage
  • Each talk will be lovingly supported and refined


Early Sign-up Prices until May 15:
Day 1 + Day 2: $288.00
Day 3: $144.00
All 3 Days: $399.00

Full Prices after May 15:
Day 1 + Day 2: $376.00
Day 3: $188.00
All 3 Days: $499.00


Personal note from Peggy:

Dear beautiful Co Creatives,

For the past two years, I have worked intensely and privately, one on one, to help others develop new ways to be of service in the world and to shine a light on the tools they already have as they define their life’s mission. Thirty years ago I started in the living room of my home … I followed the energy of my passions and the energy of love … and I did not know then that my work would be known worldwide today.

I have created the “Workshop Workshop” because I see the potential of what is possible for each one of us as individuals and as a collective … and we all have work to do. Whether you are speaking one on one or to many more people, this workshop is offered to be a defining event for you. I believe when you are empowered I am empowered, no holding back! It is truly a new beginning and I am here in support for you, heart to heart. Look forward to seeing you and hearing you!

Infinite Love,

Peggy Phoenix Dubro

Peggy Phoenix Dubro is a distinguished international speaker and teacher whose diverse talents have gained her a worldwide presence in the arena of “new thinking”. She has 37 years of experience working with the human energy anatomy and is a leader in the field of energy balancing. Co-founder with her husband in 1995 of The Energy Extension, Inc., Peggy and Steve have teamed up to create cutting edge technology in the field of energy balancing that is both fun and deeply transformational. Their work is practiced and taught in more than 70 countries around the world. "":

“Peggy Phoenix Dubro has a gift. She has “quantum sight.” This means that with your permission, she can look at your energy, no matter how far away you are, and can “reflect back” the quantum energy within you…much of which you have never seen. Her sessions are the result of 20 years working with the quantum energies within the Lattice, the sphere of co creation that surrounds you, a profound matrix of quantum design that all Humans have. Who better to read and work with this part of your being than the one who has created and stewarded this Lattice work for almost a generation. She has the experience!” Lee Carroll/Kryon

Peggy Phoenix Dubro

Sessions with Peggy Phoenix Dubro

The Waves


The Honeymoon Effect!

Living in Infinite Love

Everyday Energetics Institute