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EMF Balancing Technique, LatticeLogic, The Symbol, UCL Tai Ji, Yoga for The Lattice, Reflections, The Waves

The Energy of Peace Filled Empowerment …

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Israeli Jews and Arabs learning the EMF Balancing Technique

EMF teacher Nurit Halevi training Israeli Jews and Arabs in a class, creating magical moments of balance, healing and love as they all work together.

Date: 2009
Location: Alonei Abba, Israel

Watch a beautiful video about Nurit, her EMF center and students talking about their experiences with EMF.
בטכניקת בטכניקת האיזון EMF (in Hebrew)

“My deepest wish is that as many people as possible will wake up to their divine nature through this wonderful method and will choose to live their lives from a place of peace and fraternity within them.”
- Nurit Halevi

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