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EMF Balancing Technique, LatticeLogic, The Symbol, UCL Tai Ji, Yoga for The Lattice, Reflections

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Директория Старший учитель EMF

Victoria M. Althoff

Местонахождение United States - California - Simi Valley
Уровень учителя Фазы I-VIII
Уровень практика Фазы I-VIII
  • Тел: 805 578 9392
Расписание занятий Отсутствует.
Краткая биографическая справка The EMF Balancing Technique is powerful and profound energy work. I am honored to assist in facilitating clients' unique experiences. I became a certified practitioner in 2000, began sharing Phases I through IV with clients of all ages, and recently added Phases V-VIII to my part-time private practice. I became a certified EMF teacher in 2002. As an active teacher, I offer classes throughout the year.

I am willing to travel, and will provide the tools and training you need to offer EMF sessions to your own clients as well as ongoing support and updates.