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EMF Balancing Technique, LatticeLogic, The Symbol, UCL Tai Ji, Yoga for The Lattice, Reflections

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Adressenbestand Erkend Praktijkbeoefenaars

Kies nivo praktijkbeoefenaar

Maria Laura Deal Freccero

Locatie Uruguay - Maldonado - Punta del Este
Online Practitioner Level Fasen 1 t/m 4
Niveau praktijkbeoefenaar Fasen 1 t/m 13
  • The Symbol Facilitator
  • LatticeLogic® for Children Facilitator
  • Reflections Teacher
  • Five Elements UCL® Tai Ji Teacher
  • EMF Express Activator
  • Tel.: +598 42 491 589
  • Mobiel: +598 99 108 009