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EMF Felügyeleti Tanárok Jegyzéke

Anna Maria Daskalaki

Helyszín Greece - Athens - Melissia
Tanári szint I-IV.Fázis
Kezelő szintek I-VIII.Fázis
  • Telefon: 210 6132017
Képzési Foglalkozások Időrendje Nincs.
Profil I have found the EMF Balancing Technique to be a powerful and effective tool for my personal spiritual evolution. As I teach I find greater personal empowerment with this beautiful form of energy balancing that anyone can learn, because we are all energy.

I find great joy and it is my intent to support and facilitate your self empowerment. In my classes I have observed students becoming more fully present as well as entering into a greater expression of their wisdom and love. Peggy, the Originator of EMF says: "The key to freedom is to be fully present in your body."

Teaching allows me to express and share my qualities of compassion, intuitive communication, sensitivity and humor. I love to see how people respond when they begin to understand how their energy anatomy functions in
relation to their life.

I teach in Greek or English and run small classes regularly both by schedule and by appointment. The classes are in an intimate and friendly atmosphere in my home. I am also able to travel to other locations to teach.

I offer ongoing follow-up and host a monthly meetings with practitioners which is nurturing and supportive.