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EMF Felügyeleti Tanárok Jegyzéke

Gustavo Amorim Carlos de Souza

Helyszín Brazil - Minas Gerais - Contagem
Online tanári szint I-IV.Fázis
Online kezelő szintek I-IV.Fázis
Tanári szint I-VIII.Fázis
Kezelő szintek I-VIII.Fázis
  • The Symbol Facilitator
  • LatticeLogic® for Children Facilitator
  • LatticeLogic® for Children Teacher of Facilitators
  • EMF Express Activator
  • Telefon: 0xx31 3481 4465
  • Másodlagos telefon: 0xx31 035 530
Képzési Foglalkozások Időrendje Nincs.
Profil In 1997 I had a vision where I met a White Angel "without" a face. He simply said: "Fear not Gustavo for Love is the most powerful energy in the Universe." After that experience my life became a sacred journey!

On this sacred journey I was carefully led to both the EMF Balancing Technique and the Kryon teachings in the year 2000.

In the year 2002 a literal dream manifested and I became an EMF teacher. This beautiful work has been helping me to build a strong foundation through which I can continually express more of my truth and divine consciousness.

Today I am a Phases I-IV practitioner and teacher. As a practitioner I have a comfortable room where I can perform sessions. As a teacher I have a website with EMF information, my class schedule and an internet forum where students can share experiences and ask questions. I also run a twice-monthly study group and Mini Session exchange to support my students. I am also willing to travel to teach EMF.

My classes are taught with compassion, discernment, integrity, preparedness and a desire to continually learn more. My intention is to share this spiritual gift with those who want to manifest and expand their own sacred energy and consciousness! And so it is!