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EMF Balancing Technique, LatticeLogic, The Symbol, UCL Tai Ji, Yoga for The Lattice, Reflections

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Directorio Maestros Supervisores EMF

Suzanne Schevene

Lugar United States - Washington - White Salmon
Maestro Online - Nivel Fases I-IV
Profesional Online - Nivel Fases I-IV
Fases V-VIII
Maestro - Nivel Fases I-IV
Profesional - Nivel Fases I-XIII
  • Facilidadora del Símbolo
  • Activadora EMF Express
  • Facilitadora de Afinando las Plantillas de Nuevo Equilibrio
  • Maestra de Afinando las Plantillas de Nuevo Equilibrio
  • Cel: 541 993 2847
Sitio Web
Cursos Programados Ninguno.
Perfil Since 2000, as teacher and practitioner, I have been honored to be a part of helping clients and students step into their balanced empowerment and consciously create potentials for themselves. Like mine, their lives change profoundly. Our plates are full, our responsibilities many. How do we create a balanced, fulfilling life on a daily basis? This technique and process is the most effective and profound way I have experienced.

There is nothing to fix, judge or force. Honoring the untapped, yet innate, wisdom of each client by clearing, balancing and activating latent talents and templates brings incredible opportunities to move forward with the strength and power of who you truly are. Living the truth of who you are, in your integrity, is of utmost importance. Learning how to hold and work with more of your innate power is essential for mastering your life.

This work is not limited to human evolution. Like people, animals have their own life challenges and can benefit from this work. I have worked with horses, dogs, cats, property and (as a group) the earth itself.

“Suzanne is a gentle, compassionate teacher who gently guided my learning experience.”

“I feel like I benefited from seeing Suzannes approach to her own life and the sense of carrying this work with you, that she presented.”

I offer sessions and classes in the Columbia River Gorge monthly & joyfully travel to teach in other locations as requested.

Other Training Completed:
- The Universal Field, Unique & United Master Activator (Facilitator & Teacher)
- Teacher of Teachers Master Activator