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EMF Balancing Technique, LatticeLogic, The Symbol, UCL Tai Ji, Yoga for The Lattice, Reflections

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Directorio Maestros Supervisores EMF

Alexandra Hazen Shumakher

Lugar United States - Florida - Hollywood
Maestro - Nivel Fases I-IV
Profesional - Nivel Fases I-XII
  • Cel: 954 632 3015
Sitio Web
Cursos Programados Ninguno.
Perfil My first introduction to EMF Balancing Technique occurred in August 2006. Since that time this Practice has become an integral part of my daily life.

If I said that EMF totally changed my life, it would not be an exaggeration. That's it! EMF is a perfect tool used for balancing life and light energy.

EMF is an amazing way to communicate with each other on an energetic level. Every session is as unique to each individual as is their own fingerprint. Everything happens according the inner wisdom of each person. From the very first session, EMF opens the door to transformation. These doors can lead to healing the body, spiritual growth and development and awakenings that lead to enlightenment. This technique is a pure channel and flow of energy with no logic, no fear and no preconceived information.

On my Spiritual Path I have learned many different techniques: Reiki, the Bronnikov method, Holotropic Breathwork, rebirthing, walking on hot coals, working with fire, etc. I have visited different Ashrams in India (Sai Baba, Amma, Sri Aurobindo). All techniques are absolutely great! But only EMF Balancing Technique gives me a feeling of Infinite Growth and Development. Through this practice you can change not only your own life, but the lives of people around you.

There once was a day when I could only believe in miracles. Now, I see and feel them in my everyday life! Experience the work of EMF Balancing Technique and bring the charge of Balance and Light into your life...

Sessions and Trainings are available in Russian and English languages.