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WEBINAR SERIES: The Next Dimension of Intention – New Narratives for Your Everyday Essential Identity!

Online Webinar Series

Prerequisites: None – open to all

As evolutionaries of this time we often encourage or challenge ourselves with “I choose to know more of who I am, I choose to express more of who I am.” How many of us have said this again and again? How often do we hear the same invitation from others, including me, to become more of who we are? Just how do we come to know and be more of who we are? Is it possible to generate more energy for ourselves even as we seem to be using all the energy we have to get through the day? Enough of the potential possibilities, let’s take Intention to the next dimension right here, right now!

Good news! – we can do this in the flow of our daily lives! Reframe your reality with new narratives of who you are now, for what you are doing now and for why you are doing it! You can create new narratives for each activity in your day or for the full day, and beyond. Develop your Everyday Essential Identity with the new narratives you create.

More good news! You can be as playful and as powerful as you want. We will encourage one another to be joyfully outrageous as we work together on our individual and collective narratives. Of course the foundation for this process will be the energy of Unconditional Infinite Love as you infuse the energy of the I AM into all the expressions of who you are.

I love working with our energy this way, I am always so excited to see the energy patterns you present and to channel the messages of these patterns of light and energy. It is a beautiful act of faith we co create when we get together to speak in this language of light and energy. My focus for this Everyday Essential Identity work is to help create the foundations for the new ways for the new human in the new world, personally and collectively of course.

Caution; you will get to know more of who you are, are you ready for the Next Dimension of Intention? Great, see you soon!

Heart to Heart … Infinite Love,
In the energy of infinite love always
Peggy Phoenix Dubro

WEBINAR SERIES – “The Next Dimension of Intention – New Narratives for Your Everyday Essential Identity!”

Presented by Peggy Phoenix Dubro

Peggy Phoenix Dubro

Presented in English with Spanish translation
Three part course includes 3 video recordings

“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many interdimensional parts …”

Shakespeare (mostly) ... of course

“There are interfaces of consciousness to be empowered as we choose the inner faces of our Infinite I AM self to express and demonstrate more of who we are. Let’s have some fun with all this!” Who are you Now :)
Peggy Phoenix Dubro


Webinar 1 | Center Below – Phoenix Inspiration and Insight Energy Session (Recorded)

We will continue on a more personal level to share our awareness of all the different ways we can express ourselves as we re-frame our reality with new narratives in our daily activities. The focus of this session will be in the Center Below. Let’s infuse some fun into our decision to be present on this planet in these times of change. All the Phoenix Inspirations and Insights will be energy patterns in support of grounding your Everyday Essential Identity to become more of who you are.

Webinar 2 | Center Above – Phoenix Inspiration and Insight Energy Session (Recorded)

We will share what we are experiencing and support one another as we continue to evolve in the energy of Infinite Love.

The focus of this session will be in the Center Above for inspirational, “in spirit” energy. All the Phoenix Inspirations and Insights will be energy patterns in support of your authentic I AM Essential Identity in these times of transformation.

Webinar 3 | Radiate Core – Phoenix Inspiration and Insight Energy Session (Recorded)

The focus of this session will be in the Core of your being to radiate in strength and generate more personal energy. All the Phoenix Inspirations and Insights will be energy patterns in support of your authentic I AM Essential Identity in these times of transformation.

“This last session is offered on the day of a solar eclipse that will produce a wave of energy to support us as we bring the Divine I AM into the details of our daily lives, knowing more of who we are and why we are here. I sooo love us!”

“There is a shift happening in the 3rd dimension that appears to be filled with change, fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. However, when you look at this shift in a quantum way, it includes healing, a balance of life, and even mastery. Looking through the lens of the Lattice is the quantum tool that will support you as you come to know yourself as the Quantum One throughout all the layers of your DNA. Oh, but we’ll leave it to the teacher, Peggy, to tell you about this. [Kryon wink]”
Lee Carroll – Author, The Twelve Layers of DNA (An Esoteric Study of the Mastery Within)

Super Special for all 3 Webinars (Recorded)
- Price: $99


Price for Individual Webinars
Webinar 1 | Center Below – Phoenix Inspiration and Insight Energy Session (Recorded):
- Price: $44


Webinar 2 | Center Above – Phoenix Inspiration and Insight Energy Session (Recorded):
- Price: $44


Webinar 3 | Radiate Core – Phoenix Inspiration and Insight Energy Session (Recorded):
- Price: $44


“Peggy’s innovative work with the field of all life leads us to the place in ourselves where love, healing, and peace begin. Her techniques are practical, effective, and they work!”
Gregg Braden – Author of The Isaiah Effect, The God Code, The Divine Matrix, Deep Truth, The Turning Point

”Peggy sees humanity differently than most … she looks at you without judgment, and she looks at other teachers and other energy modalities without judgment. For she understands the integrity and the intent of the heart. And so it is that there has been no accident that this profound teacher is here today on the planet.”
Lee Carroll – Author of the Kryon material

“Peggy is a genuine and powerful voice for unity. Her love of humanity is unmistakable, unquestionable, and without question part of the age of empowerment in the family of humanity.”
Steve Rother – Author & Channel for The Group

“I met Peggy in Banff Canada in 1997, and received one of the most amazing healings of my life. The energy was utterly astonishing,so pure, so potent and so balancing…”
James Tyberonn – Author & Channel for Archangel Metatron

Training Programs

Everyday Energetics Institute

Personal Growth Program

Incremental Phases I-IV Program

Professional Path Program

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The Symbol Program

LatticeLogic® Programs

Yoga for The Lattice™ Program

The Waves Program

Reflections Program

The Honeymoon Effect!

UCL® Tai Ji Program