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Κατάλογος Supervisory Δασκάλων EMF

Frances Keyes

Τόπος United States - Arizona - Phoenix
Online Teacher Level Φάσεις I-IV
Φάσεις V-VIII
Online Practitioner Level Φάσεις I-IV
Φάσεις V-VIII
Επίπεδο Δασκάλου Φάσεις I-VIII
Επίπεδο Συμβούλου Φάσεις I-XIII
  • Κινητό: 480 450 2169
Προγραμματισμένες Τάξεις Κανένα.
Προφίλ What if you could profoundly change your life and transform your history into a wise support system instead of an anchor that holds you back? The EMF Balancing Technique opens the possibility to learn to co-create your desires as you move from victim to master.

Since becoming a practitioner and teacher of the EMF Balancing Technique in July 1999, my personal experience with the system has been profoundly life-changing. This is the reason I continue to facilitate/teach this gift. I am humbled and excited about the changes that my students/clients have expressed. As one client wrote: "Wow, what a punch the EMF Balancing Technique has!!! I feel that a whole new door is opening to me." Another added, "I wish I had met you sooner!"

Having lived and taught both in Mexico and the US, I schedule courses each year in Mexico and the US, and would be thrilled to teach in other locations in English or Spanish.

I offer my preparedness, integrity, compassion, and wisdom as a certified practitioner of Phases I-VIII and teacher of Phases I-IV.

I would love to assist you in making your journey as wondrous for you as mine has been for me!

Como seria si pudieras cambiar tu vida y transformar tu historia a un sistema de apoyo, en lugar de una ancla que te detiene? La Tecnica para la Armonizacion del Campo Electromagnetico (EMF Balancing Technique) abre la posibilidad de aprender a co-crear tus deseos conforme te cambias de Victima a Maestro.

Desde volverme Facilitadora y Maestra del EMF Balancing Technique en julio de 1999, mi experiencia con este sistema ha sido verdaderamente profunda. Es la razon por lo cual continuo a practicar/enseniar este regalo. Estoy emocionada acerca de los cambios que han expresados mis clientes/alumnos. Un cliente comento: " que fuerza tiene el EMF Balancing Technique. Siento que una gran puerta nueva esta abriendo." Otro comento: " Ojala te hubiera conocido antes!"

Al vivir y enseniar tanto en Mexico como en los EUA, ofrezco los Cursos cada anio en Mexico y en los EUA en ingles y en espaniol.

Comparto mi integridad, compasion, sabiduria y luz com Practicante de las Fases I -VIII y Maestra de las Fases I - IV.

Me encantaria asistir en TU camino tan maravillo como ha sido para mi!