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EMF Supervisory Teacher Verzeichnis

Joanne S. Tye

Ort United States - California - Castaic
Lehrer-Stufe Phasen I-IV
Praktitioner-Stufe Phasen I-VIII
  • Tel: 661 257 3959
  • Fax: 661 702 9436
Kursdaten Keins.
Profil I have spent the past 20 years studying and working with energy modalities. EMF is the single most effective and comprehensively empowering energy system available.

In the year 2000, I was led to EMF by those with whom I work in the higher realms, becoming both a practitioner and a teacher.

I maintain an active private practice that includes EMF sessions with clients in cities around the world whose ages range from infants to octogenarians.

Throughout the year, I offer ongoing practitioner certification classes in the greater Los Angeles area. I can bring the EMF practitioner certification program to you, wherever you are, across the city or across the world.

I offer intuitive gifts, wisdom, and decades of successful experience as a master teacher and metaphysician with passionate dedication to EMF, and to the spiritual path of self-realization, mastery, and pure service. I am a conscious creator and motivator. My commitment to you is that my classes will be powerful energy experiences and you will become a skilled practitioner with increased clarity, inspiration, vision, and empowerment.

"My EMF Practitioner Training with Joanne was truly life-changing. I would whole-heartedly recommend this work...the classes are profound and transcendent. Having Joanne as my teacher and guide is a gift for which I am deeply thankful. She is a gracious, loving, intelligent, umble and beautiful spirit. She effectively and articulately communicated the EMF Balancing Technique. She is a thorough, patient, and reverent teacher. A loving, sacred space was created ... for the higher spiritual learning to take place." - DK client/student LA

Contact me: I check emails daily and respond the following day. When calling please leave a clear, detailed message. I will return your call the following day.