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EMF Supervisory Teacher Verzeichnis

Lucia Arribas

Ort Argentina - Provincia de Buenos Aires - Necochea
Online Teacher Level Phasen I-IV
Online Practitioner Level Phasen I-IV
Lehrer-Stufe Phasen I-IV
Praktitioner-Stufe Phasen I-XIII
  • Handy: +54 9 11 2624 7894
Kursdaten Keins.
Profil How I discovered EMF?
It was quite by chance that -while surfing through a website- I saw for the first time the acronyms E.M.F. When my eyes read “EMF”, a strange current went through me.
Something not usual at all had just happened… and it was due to the authenticity of this sensation and the rareness of the experience that I searched to know more about the EMF Balancing Technique.
In this very precise website in Spanish, Matias de Stefano -the author- mentioned an EMF professional in Chile. One again “by chance”, it happened that a few weeks later I had to go to Chile to participate in a congress.
It was during this journey that I experienced for the first time an EMF session.
During the night following this first session I had a strange dream. What I dreamt of that night was for me absolutetely impossible. It made no sense at all at that time of my life. Nevertheless, this dream happened to be « premonitory » but I only understood that a few months later, when I surprisingly became what I had dreamt of that very night.

Who I am?
I was born in Argentina where I lived up to the age of 19...
It was then when I arrived in France guided by a deep desire since my childhood.
Today I live in Normandy most of the time, and I continue to travel around the world to assist to conferences, retreats or other suggested activities in different parts of the world.
After having attended the appropriate trainings, I became professional and EMF Balancing Technique teacher. I am always amazed at the stories shared by my consultants (I don’t feel comfortable calling them client or patient)… I am always amazed to bear witness of the transformations that we – as human beings - are capable of. Transformations in many aspects.

About the EMF Balancing Technique
The following quote of Gregg Braden beautifully summarizes the scope of EMF: «We have been specifically conceived to be humans and we are wired to be extraordinary! EMF restores these cables for an optimal human functioning, in order to become what a human is: EXTRA-ORDINARY, with EXTRA-ORDINARY capabilities ».
As Peggy Phoenix Dubro often says: « The secret of mastery is PRACTICE »... so, I carry on practising.
In this respect, I propose individual sessions and trainings to practise and share this marvellous technique that I prefer to call « technology ».
I facilitate individual sessions in Paris, in Caen, remotely or through skype.
Trainings as well, taking place in Paris, in Caen (Normandy), but also in complete immersion near Mont St Michel (France), in Marrakech (Morocco) or in other French-speaking cities.
Retirement sessions are also organized in Capilla del Monte, in Argentina.
The purpose of these internships is to -first- connect with our-self, and –then- share with others a very deep experience , an experience where you will be taken out of your usual surroundings to stimulate your consciousness to go beyond what it knows… and dive into the wonderful world of quantum.

The internships allow:
• to acknowledge the scientific basis on which EMF is based
• to learn how to work with energy
• to give and receive EMF sessions (and enjoy the benefits that it entails) during the training period and afterwards
• to spend time with yourself and with other human beings who resonate with this frequency.