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EMF Online Accredited Practitioner Directory

Practitioner-Stufe auswählen

Maria Esther Segovia

Ort Argentina - Mendoza - Mendoza
Online Teacher Level Phasen I-IV
Phasen V-VIII
Online Practitioner Level Phasen I-IV
Phasen V-VIII
Lehrer-Stufe Phasen I-VIII
Praktitioner-Stufe Phasen I-XIII
  • Das Symbol Moderatorin
  • Reflexions-Lehrerin
  • iPhoenix Facilitator
  • Yoga for The Lattice™ Instructor
  • EMF Express Activator
  • Tuning the Templates of New Balance Facilitator
  • Tuning the Templates of New Balance Teacher
  • Tel: +54 9 261 4211711
  • Handy: +54 9 261 5931071